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At our community panel’s first session, The Shake Up participants were asked, ‘What does a good move by the Uni to the city look like?’
As views were shared, a series of topics began to resonate, with twelve in particular identified as the most important. Everyone was then asked to nominate which three of these topics they wanted to engage with further.
The topics you see here are the top six themes, which our community panel will continue to explore – and you’re welcome to contribute to the discussion, with a comments section for each of the topics.
We welcome all voices and differences of opinion. All comments are reviewed before being posted to ensure the discussion remains respectful and constructive.
Explain what is wrong with the current campus, its a great location
I would love to see more greenery and outdoor spaces for the community and students in the CBD. Cities around the world are doing this – like Barcelona, Singapore, Paris. Sustainability means shared streets – for kids, cyclists, cafes, people with disabilities. Cars should be guests. Buildings need to be energy efficient, sustainable materials, and future proofed design.
Regular FREE buses every 10 minutes along major traffic routes with live GPS tracking and position updates (e.g next bus 2 minutes away) as per most European cities. Government should pay for this as will be a million times cheaper than building new roads and highways/tunnels/bridges into town. Low wash regular ferry service all along the Derwent. Low wash (not like the current ferries that put up a 0.5-1.0m high wash) is essential so as not to erode river banks and not disturb rowers etc
Use the cable car for inner city transport now it’s no longer needed for the mountain a dual axis routes meeting in the middle for changing routes
Not good least the campus has parking available …ask yourself would you move family from Sandy Bay and accommodate yourself in city ..more people staff and students in city all trying to get parking ..more traffic in a city which isn’t coping now ..when things go wrong there is grid lock such as car accidents
As a current utas student who doesnt live on a bus route, has to drive just to get to a bus/ferry and is 30 mins drive from CBD, driving is currently my only option. Improve bus routes/frequencies and times catered to workers and adults (including higher Education students) not just school kids. Last bus leaves Hobart currently at 5:40. Classes go to 8pm at times. Morning buses don’t allow time for exercise/active lifestyle. It doesn’t reflect the society we want. Parking for the ferries needed
Separated lanes for bikes/scooters. Reduce space for cars. Reduce speed limits.
A variety of meeting places encouraging students to get to know others who are studying different things